
Recent Blog Items

Merry Christmas, or should I say Seasons Beatings? It's been such a hectic December this year, we shot a lot, I did a lot of private sessions, and of course I'm up to my armpits with this new site.

Hi, if you have been having trouble with the site today it's because we were under some major attack... I believe the problem has now been resolved. Sorry for the inconvenience.

It looks like we survived the end of the world, and what a day. First, I hope you have checked out the new clip 'Kandy's Perfect Feet', it's Me, not only My feet but all of Me and you can hear My style of domination as I show you my feet and then make my slave worship them.

Anyone know someone who thinks the world is coming to an end? Really? If you don not believe science what do you believe? These end of world stories never do seem to end either, do they? Got me thinking though, a lot of people die in the world every day. for some people it will be the end.

OMG, this fucking computer of mine is driving me crazy. I am starting to think my expert is fucking around with Me just so he can come back every second day to see Me. I have been going through this for over a week, think I'm okay and it crashes again...

It's that special time of the year again, where you have to tolerate all that family stuff. Generally, I do not mind it but could really have stood to miss Christmas this year, what with all the Site stuff going on.

It appears to be two steps forward and one (or two or three) step back, please continue to be patient with us as we get things all sorted out. The sorting was working then it wasn't know I think we have it fixed again, maybe not, all sorts of weird stuff... grrrr, i need a drink.

I had a few RT sessions today and must say I really do enjoy myself. Damn, getting men to do what I want will never tire for Me, oh and the things I can get them to do... wicked!

Things are coming along with our new look, but I must admit if I knew this much work was involved I might have put it off... like forever! LOL!